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Ariella Media Productions

The Magnificent Nine

  • Illustrator: Dov Bar Cohen
  • Author: Misha Zubarev

“The Magnificent Nine” revolves around the story of number Six, who in a desperate attempt to be the most popular number in town, tries to be like the number Nine, the most revered number in town. However, Six soon realizes that it’s not the look that counts, but it is intact the “outlook” that matters most .

Meet Six

He is not married (at least not yet). Since the creation of the world was “finished” on Day Six, Six thinks he is the most important number. He likes to indulge himself in food and he represents the “fatness” of the earth, that’s why he has a big belly. Since man in Hebrew is “Adam” where “dam” means blood, Six also resembles a blood vessel.

Meet One

She  is married to Eight and she is the beacon of his life.. Since light was created on Day One, she resembles a light house that projects its bright aura around out into the world.

Meet Eight

Eight is married to One.  He is very sophisticated and mysterious. Since the number Eight represents something supernatural (above the natural order of the 7 days of creation), he represents the unknown world that exists beyond the seven days of creation. 

This story is aimed to teach grade schoolers and preschoolers about a deeper insight into numbers. While at its surface, the story makes use of very simple and relatable numerical anthropomorphisms, there is a lot more to numbers in Judaism than meets the eye.

Watch “The Magnificent Nine” Kickstarter video!